Our goal is to provide relevant, financially material, and industry specific sustainability information to stakeholders.

2023 Highlights

~60,000 Tonnes CO2e

through circularity

Fuel Additives

Pilot launched for one rig

Emissions Tracking

Pilots completed on engine and emissions monitoring


Shelf Drilling recognizes the value of protecting the climate and our natural environment and places a premium on being compliant with relevant environmental regulations and protecting the environment in our operations. Shelf Drilling has implemented comprehensive environmental policies, processes and systems and utilizes an integrated management system to monitor performance throughout all offshore and onshore operations. Environmental performance is tracked in a monthly HSE report and any incidents are reported to the relevant authorities.

Shelf Drilling’s Policies on Environmental Protection include:

  • Registers of Environmental Legislation and Other Requirements
  • Environmental Aspects and Impacts
  • Mud System Management
  • Bulk Transfer Operations
  • Deck Drainage
  • Emissions and Energy Conservation
  • Waste
  • Discharges
  • Material and Product Selection


Environmental impacts are defined as any element of the Company’s inputs, activities, products or services that can interact with the environment, as well as any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from the Company’s activities, products or services.

Shelf Drilling’s environmental policies are designed in alignment with the ISO 14001 standard. Although the Company as a whole is not ISO certified, some of our locations and rigs, are certified in accordance with ISO 14001. All of our rigs, yards and offices are covered under the same management system as those that are certified.


Fresh water used on our rigs (for example, in cleaning and cooking) is produced from sea water using water makers installed on board the rig. Drinking water is generally shipped from shore. The volume of fresh water generated on board is not recorded but 100% of the water is recycled and discharged back into the sea after it has gone through the sewage treatment plant (STP) and has been treated as per MARPOL regulation. The fresh water quality is analyzed every quarter in our labs.

Minimizing other waste from our operations remains a focus to further reduce our impact to the environment. Waste is segregated offshore into separate storage containers (for example, wood, metal, plastic) and shipped back to shore for recycling where relevant facilities exist. The volumes or weight of each waste category are registered in our HSE management system.


Shelf Drilling recognizes the impact of climate change, with risks and opportunities across regulatory, reputational, and market aspects. We have conducted a comprehensive climate risk review following the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) guidelines, identifying various climate-related risks and opportunities pertinent to our operations, and integrating them into our Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework.

In 2023, Shelf Drilling completed a Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) to comprehensively identify our Impacts, Risks and Opportunities (IROs) and assesses their materiality. More details on DMA process are included in our 2023 Sustainability Report.

We believe our footprint makes us resilient to climate change risks:

  1. Sole focus on jack-up operations and core operating areas which have relatively lower emissions compared to other regions and offshore rig types
  2. A key jack-up player in shallow water fields, and Middle East in particular, are projected to deliver an increasing percentage of the world’s supply under most climate change scenarios.
  3. Strategic expansion of services to specialize in plug and abandonment (P&A) operations — a critical component of the oil and gas industry’s circular economy
  4. Strategic expansion into the North Sea, positioning us in a region with increasing demand for P&A operations as it is a relatively more established for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects

Moving forward, we are working on defining a formal climate transition plan that aligns with our operational realities and our commitment to environmental stewardship.

Grade B-
Shelf Drilling 2023 Climate Change Score